Teen Relief Missions

Welcome to Teen Relief Missions – where the power of youth meets the heart of compassion!  

Picture this: A diverse group of passionate teens and dedicated adults, united by a common purpose, embarking on transformative journeys that ignite change and leave lasting imprints. Our mission isn’t just about helping others; it’s about finding the hero within ourselves. 

Join us on an extraordinary adventure that transcends backgrounds and generations. If you’re a teen seeking purpose and looking to make a difference, Teen Relief Missions opens doors to experiences that empower, inspire, and connect to our Jewish values.  

Imagine stepping out of your comfort zone and onto the front lines of healing in the aftermath of natural disasters. Through these life-altering missions, you’ll not only lend a helping hand, but you’ll also touch lives on a deeper level. You’ll connect with the essence of tikkun olam – the Jewish value of repairing the world – and uncover a newfound desire to uplift those in need. 

Our impact goes beyond physical assistance. We believe in comforting hearts and souls, offering solace to those who’ve experienced devastation. These missions aren’t just about leadership training; they’re a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and growth.  

Emerge from Teen Relief Missions not only transformed but equipped with the confidence and determination to take leadership roles within your communities and on a global scale. Be part of a movement that goes beyond boundaries, creating ripples of positive change wherever we go. 

Are you ready to be the change?

Join us in shaping a world that’s healed, hopeful, and united! Teen Relief Missions: Where compassion knows no bounds.  


  1. Developing leadership skills and instilling a genuine passion for volunteering in their own communities and around the world. 
  1. Increasing awareness and compassion for those less fortunate while deepening their appreciation for their own lives. 
  1. Strengthening their Jewish identity and connection to Jewish values through an immersive, hands-on experience of tikkun olam as well as follow-up activities.  ( MOVE THIS TO 1  
  1. Promoting a positive global understanding of Judaism through chessed (acts of loving kindness) and community service. 

The New Jersey missions are sponsored by Aviva and Gershon Distenfeld in memory of their parents, Rose and Fred Distenfeld, who have dedicated their lives to doing chessed and helping others.