
Burnell Colton

We here in the Lower 9th Ward are so appreciative of OU Relief Missions! You all are helping out so many people here. Christmas came early. The kids here are so excited. If possible, I would hug everyone!

Dan Hoeft

Working with OU Relief participants for more than a decade has been an amazing experience. These participants are helping so many people in their time of need. They are lifesavers.”

Sima Fish

Ezra Academy girls experienced a transformative journey when they traveled to New Orleans. This OU run chessed mission, infused values in the girls that are tough to teach on an academic level. Building homes, nurturing the environment, feeding the homeless and fostering Jewish identity were experiential moments that will live with them forever. For these […]

Ilona Diamond

I am thrilled to endorse OU Relief Missions, an exceptional initiative that has left an indelible impact on our HAFTR High School community. Our students have participated in two transformative missions with OU Relief Missions, one to Houston and another to Fort Myers. These experiences have been instrumental in shaping their character and worldview.   […]

April Meehleder

SBP is tremendously grateful for the ongoing support of OU Missions volunteers. The enthusiasm and sheer impact of their service have been felt across the United States and in Puerto Rico. They are a great extension of our team and mission. Thank you to all OU Mission volunteers for helping us rebuild communities impacted by […]

Andreas Hoffmann

“Over the past 7 years, Green Light New Orleans has received the help of NCSY students on a regular basis. The volunteers from NCSY have been crucial in helping advance Green Light’s mission to build a more sustainable city. The groups have been involved in all our programs; they have helped install thousands of energy-efficient […]

Miriam Pittinsky

“NCSY chessed relief missions provide a unique Jewish ‘out-of-the-box’ educational experience for public school teens. The missions take the teens out of their comfort zone, allowing them to grow their leadership skills and learn about Judaism in a new and meaningful way. Through work in other communities outside of their own, the teens learn that […]

Sacha Bodner

“In Pirkei Avot, Rabbi Tarfon, reminds us that it is not on us to complete the task, though neither are we free to abandon the work. Though the recovery efforts in Texas following Hurricane Harvey will continue for years, NCSY-ers who participated in Act Now Houston’s volunteer initiative, indeed lived their Jewish values of repairing […]

Fred Nagler

“In just a few short days, NCSY gave my students a sense of purpose and helped them feel like they were making a real difference. You should have seen the students’ reactions when the homeowners came outside with tears of thanks. It was incredible.”

Rabbi Zev Prince

“We are very grateful to NCSY for the opportunities they afford the Ma’ayanot students. We value the chesed missions because they allow our students to interact with a population that they would not ordinarily have exposure to and because it forces them to reach beyond themselves and give back in such a meaningful way. It […]