
Rabbi Joshua Kahn

“The mission was truly transformative because NCSY got these teens to step outside their familiar, insulated community, to physically volunteer their time and labor for complete strangers. After being exposed to the aftermath of these natural disasters and meeting those who were affected, my students were able to understand that it’s a responsibility that we, […]

Rabbi Zev Kahane

“Thirteen years ago I was given the privilege of participating in the first ever NCSY Relief Mission. On that memorable trip, I grew tremendously and learned that I have the ability to accomplish things that I never thought I could do. I learned more about my Jewish identity and my role in the greater Jewish […]

Rabbi Andrew Israeli

“Having taken part in NCSY chesed missions both as a high school student and teacher, I see first hand what these missions are able to accomplish and the responsibility they instill in high school students. These chesed missions balance so many different objectives and Rabbi Katz has succeeded in developing a program that can really […]

Rabbi Jonathan Kessel

“The true impact of the mission was revealed after my students returned home. They were inspired to take on new leadership and volunteer roles in their local communities, so essentially these missions are helping us create a better Jewish future. If only all of our students could have this experience!”

Rabbi Eli Ciner

“NCSY has  found a significant place for itself  in the modern orthodox community with the chesed missions.”

Ms. Sarah Kesler

“What a student can learn, experience, and grow from on an NCSY chesed mission cannot be accomplished in any other setting.”